KPRL holds Data Protection Training for Employees

KPRL recently took several officers through a Data Protection Workshop facilitated by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK) in Kilifi from 24th to 28th June 2024. The workshop aimed to enlighten employees on the Data Protection Act of 2019 and how it impacts the individual and the Organization.

Covered in the workshop were ways to formulate a comprehensive Data Protection Management programme, evaluate existing practices against the regulator’s expectations, improve existing practices, and demonstrate compliance as well as increase management engagement and privacy awareness across the Organization. This was the first of 4 cohorts which will be carried out in the new financial year.

The workshop was a great success!

KPRL Members of staff at the workshop led by the Human Resources Manager, Mr. Martin Wahome standing 5th from right together with ICPAK consultants William, Caroline, and Andrew sitting middle front row.

Basic Occupational First Aid Training for KPRL First Aiders

KPRL is strongly committed to pursuing the goal of eliminating all work-related injuries and adverse health effects while in pursuit of its business objectives. The company carried out a statutory First Aid Training at its premises in line with section 7 of Factories (First-Aid) Rules, 1977.

The training took place from 3rd to 7th June 2024 where Thirty (34) members of staff and Contractors on site were taken through thorough hands-on modules by a team from Medswift Training.

Participation from Staff and Medswift Trainers

The First Aiders were equipped with knowledge and skills as per the DOHSS First Aid Curriculum with the main objective being to understand the appropriate medical responses to typical industrial incidents.

SRC Visit to KPRL

SRC Commissioners second from right Commissioner Abdiwahab Abdulahi, Dr. Amani Komora – SRC Vice Chairperson and Commissioner Margaret Sewe and the KPRL team led by Martin Wahome – Human Resources Manager (first right)

KPRL hosted a team of Commissioners from the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) on Monday 3rd June 2024 where discussions were held on the present status of the company and the 2017-2020 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) negotiations that remain incomplete. The Commissioners gave useful suggestions on how the stalemate could be resolved to avoid further backlog of subsequent CBA’s. Discussions were also held on organizational payroll costs as a ratio of revenue, which the Government has pegged at 35%. KPRL is currently operating at a ratio of 32%. On the distribution of Technical and Support staff at KPRL, the Commissioners were advised that this is currently at 70% and 30% respectively which is in line with recent GOK advisories.

KPRL Emergency Response Training School

Enhanced Fire Training at KPRL  School

The need for hands-on, competency-based firefighting training for hydrocarbon-based fires in the Oil Industry cannot be over-emphasized. KPRL is a DOSHS Certified Fire Training Centre endowed with both technical and infrastructural resources. This is an opportunity that KPRL is uniquely placed to deliver an important industry service in the East & Central Africa region.

As a facility, KPRL has the following Resources that can be accessed during the training:

  1. Fire Engines
  2. Fire Training Grounds
  3. Well-trained and experienced Fire Trainers
  4. Fire Suppression systems including, fire water ring main, Fire Monitors, sprinkler systems, and Deluge system

From 26th February 2024 to 1st March 2024, KPRL Emergency Response School conducted Basic Fire Fighting Training for 19 KPRL First Intervention Members who underwent theories and practicals of fire fighting under the guidance of FSA.177. Antony Munga and FSA 016. Abdallah Bambaulo.

FIT Member, Peninah Mriwe from Operations department having hands-on training on use of Ground Monitor at KPRL Fire Training Grounds on 21/02/2024
Fig 1: FIT Member, Peninah Mriwe from Operations department having hands-on training on the use of Ground Monitor at KPRL Fire Training Grounds on 21/02/2024

Modules Offered at the KPRL Training School include:

  • Basic Firefighting, (Theory & Hands-on).
  • Breathing Apparatus
  • Fire Extinguisher Awareness
  • Fire Appliance Operations
  • Incident Command
  • Confined space Entry
Training of use of water shield to block heat radiation from fire at KPRL Fire School during training of Mombasa County Fire and Rescue Team Members
Fig 2: Training of use of water shield to block heat radiation from fire at KPRL Fire School during training of Mombasa County Fire and Rescue Team Members
Dry Foods Donation

Donations of Dry Foods to Potrietz Integrated School on 23.01.2024

Portrietz Integrated Secondary School is a mixed-day boarding school that opened its doors in August 2021. It caters for both regular and special needs education students.

The Deputy Principal, Mr. Anourine Namaka expressed utmost gratitude to KPRL for the initiative of supporting them in their school feeding programme. He further requested collaboration in other areas as KPRL has expertise in various fields and can offer talks to students on career choices amongst other topics.


Transfer of shares of Kenya Petroleum Refineries Limited (KPRL) from the National Treasury to the Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC)

The acquisition of KPRL by KPC has been completed making KPRL a subsidiary of KPC.

At the signing of the Share Transfer Agreement (STA) at the National Treasury on Friday, 27th October 2023, the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum Cabinet Secretary, Mr. Davis Chirchir said that besides enhancing the storage capacity of petroleum products in the country, the take-over will accelerate the proliferation of per capita use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) through the development of LPG bulk import handling and storage facilities at the Kenya Petroleum Refineries Limited tank farm in Changamwe, Mombasa. He added that the acquisition will aid in the upgrade, rehabilitation of Kenya Petroleum Refineries Limited, and push the planned capacity enhancement of the pipeline system throughout the Country as well as bring social and economic benefits to the coast region and to Kenya at large.

In attendance at the ceremony were PS State Department of Petroleum, Mr. Mohamed Liban, KPRL Directors; Ms. Lilian Mahiri-Zaja, Mr. Henry Karinga, and Mr. Joseph Ngugi, Ag. CEO-KPRL CPA. Joseph Ndoti, KPC Managing Director Mr. Joe Sang, and other Management representatives from the Ministries, KPRL, and KPC.

CS Davis Chirchir and CS Prof Njuguna Ndungu

Below is the statement from the CS, National Treasury – Prof. Njuguna Ndung’u during the signing of the Share Transfer Agreement:

 “The Government through the National Treasury is transferring 100% of its shares held at KPRL to KPC without any monetary consideration. This asset if well leveraged will boost the value of KPC and position it to deliver better value to the government and the general public. It will also better position KPC to serve our strategic interests by bolstering its storage capacity.” Prof. Njuguna Ndung’u – CS, National Treasury

PS Mohamed Liban and CS Davis Chirchir at the signing ceremony

Standard Chartered Marathon – Mombasa Chapter

The Standard Chartered Bank’s 20th Edition Marathon flagged off at Treasury Square from 0600hrs on October 29, 2023. Some of the objectives of the marathon include; celebrating 20 years of running, planting 2 million seedlings in the next five years to promote environmental sustainability, and providing opportunities for local athletic talent to excel while boosting tourism in Kenya. Further to this, proceeds from the marathon registration were channeled to support the Standard Chartered Futuremakers programs. The programs aim to tackle inequality, encourage economic inclusion, and empower the younger generation.

KPRL was well represented in this great CSR activity by 40 of its members who participated in the 5KM and 10KM categories. Congratulations to you all!!

Kenya Pipeline Company to acquire KPRL

It was a busy tour for the CS Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Mr. Davis Chirchir, and PS State Department of Petroleum, Mr. Mohamed Liban on Wednesday 31st August 2023 when they visited Mombasa to engage with stakeholders on the ongoing acquisition of KPRL by KPC whose main aim is to enhance national petroleum products storage and distribution.

Their first stop was a courtesy call on Mombasa Governor, H.E. Abdullswamad Sharrif Nassir, local MP’s, and MCA’s who they briefed on the Government transaction which is due for completion shortly. They assured the participants that the transfer of ownership of the refinery did not mean that the asset of KPRL was being transferred elsewhere but indeed plans were under way to expand, invest, and upgrade the facility under KPC thereby enhancing employment and other streams of business for the region.

In the afternoon, the CS toured the refinery plant site with particular attention to the unused Power Plant which he said would be revived and power sold onto the national grid to enhance the company’s revenues.

Tour of the KPRL Changamwe site

Lastly, the CS met all employees of KPRL and gave assurances that under the new dispensation, their jobs would be secure and indeed there would be more opportunities for everyone in the new and larger KPRL/KPC family.

The CS addresses KPRL employees
Logo Launch

KPRL Pension Trust Limited Logo Launch

At the quarterly member engagement forum on 28th July 2023, the Trustee Board of the Kenya Petroleum Refineries Limited Defined Contribution Fund launched a new Fund logo which had been under development for several months.

The Logo was selected from a number of member contributions and developed bearing in mind the Funds Mission and Vision of ensuring members comfort in retirement while not losing sight of the Sponsors corporate colours. The logo will henceforth be used in all Fund communications material and branding.

The new Fund Logo
All hands on deck! DC Fund Chairman, Mr. Martin Wahome helps cut a cake to commemorate the launch of the new Logo